Girl with Poached Egg Traits——荷包蛋女生

Girl with Poached Egg Traits——荷包蛋女生


"Girl with Poached Egg Traits" is an Internet meme that originated from a kind of food - poached egg.

"Girl with Poached Egg Traits" is an Internet meme that originated from a kind of food - poached egg. A poached egg usually refers to a fried egg, characterized by a white and tender outer layer and a yellow yolk inside. Therefore, the term "Girl with Poached Egg Traits" is used to describe those women who appear pure, flawless, gentle and lovely on the outside, but in reality, they may have rich emotions and thoughts in their hearts, and even have "lewd (that is, yellow) " ideas or behaviors. This expression is often used to describe girls who have a contrast between their appearance and their inner selves, and sometimes it also has a certain sense of banter and teasing.

“荷包蛋女生”是一种网络梗,它源自于一种食物——荷包蛋。荷包蛋通常指的是煎制的鸡蛋,其特点是外皮白嫩,内部则是黄色的蛋黄。因此,”荷包蛋女生”这个词被用来形容那些外表看起来纯洁无瑕、温柔可爱的女性,但实际上她们内心可能有着丰富的情感和思想,甚至有”色情(就是黄色) ”的想法或行为。这种说法常常用于形容那些表面和内在存在反差的女生,有时也带有一定的戏谑和调侃意味。