


"Passion" this hot meme originated from the wonderful performance of the stand-up comedian Fu Hang in the variety show "The King of Comedy - Stand-up Season", meaning "passion, enthusiasm".

"Passion" this hot meme originated from the wonderful performance of the stand-up comedian Fu Hang in the variety show "The King of Comedy - Stand-up Season", meaning "passion, enthusiasm". #### In the program, Fu Hang, with his unique witty humor, shared his experiences of hitting the lowest point in life. During this period, he passionately shouted "Passion" many times. This enthusiasm and positive attitude towards life, through his extremely sincere performance, deeply touched countless audiences and made this word quickly become popular on the Internet.

Fu Hang, this new star in the stand-up comedy field, at first glance, looks rather smart. But those who truly know him will surely be deeply infected by his heart full of "Passion".

Fu Hang was born in Beijing in 1994. He was overly lively since childhood and always interrupted in class to tell jokes, so he was not favored by teachers and his grades were always at the bottom during his school years. His life path has been full of ups and downs. After graduating from university, he has worked in many fields. Until 2018, he went for an interview at a stand-up comedy club. Perhaps it was because of his trait that seemed very "outgoing and casual" at first glance, the interview went extremely smoothly. He thought his luck was about to change, but unexpectedly, the club went bankrupt a month later. At that time, the industry was in a downturn. He had no performance opportunities for several consecutive months. Helplessly, since 2019, he tried to upload his performance videos to the Internet and unexpectedly received many favorable comments.

Colleagues in the industry increasingly felt the "Passion" in him, and his performance invitations gradually increased. Since he released his first video on the short-video platform in November 2019, his popularity has soared rapidly like a rocket. He not only started his personal national tour but also frequently appeared in various selection reality shows and even got precious opportunities to act in film and television dramas.

In this August's "The King of Comedy - Stand-up Season", he closely focused on the theme of "Passion" and created many funny and popular works. With his highly infectious "Passion" style, he won the annual championship in one fell swoop.

Fu Hang also has some 出圈 (out-of-the-circle) remarks, such as: "For more than ten years, everyone said I was a loser. But only you said I was a genius. You taught me the most important thing in life, that is, no matter your background, education, or family background, as long as you dare to be yourself bravely, there will always be someone who will love you!"

Recently, Fu Hang won the honor of "The Year's Popular Favorite Comedian" at the Weibo Vision Conference, and also smoothly turned "Passion", this originally his signature word, into a popular hot word that detonated the public mood in 2024.

“Passion” 这个热梗,出自脱口秀演员付航在综艺《喜剧之王・单口季》里的精彩表演,意为 “激情、热情”。节目中,付航以他独有的诙谐幽默,分享自己的人生低谷经历,其间多次激情澎湃地高呼 “Passion”,这份对生活的热忱与积极态度,经由他真诚无比的演绎,深深触动无数观众,令该词迅速在网络蹿红。

付航,这位脱口秀界的新星,乍看之下,模样透着股机灵劲儿,可真正了解他的人,定会被他那颗满溢 “passion” 的心深深感染。

付航 1994 年生于北京,打小就活泼过头,课堂上老是接茬讲笑话,因而不受老师待见,学生时代成绩常年吊车尾。他的人生之路布满坎坷,大学毕业后辗转干过不少行当。直到 2018 年,他去一家脱口秀俱乐部面试,或许是身上那股子一看就很 “e”(外向、随性)的特质,面试异常顺利。本以为要时来运转,谁料一个月后俱乐部竟倒闭了。彼时行业低迷,他连着数月无演出机会,无奈之下,2019 年起,他试着往互联网上传自己的演出视频,没成想收获诸多好评。

业内同行越发感受到他身上那股子 “Passion” 劲儿,他的演出邀约逐渐多了起来。自 2019 年 11 月在短视频平台发布第一条视频起,他的人气便如同火箭升空般迅猛飙升,不仅开启个人全国巡演,还频繁现身各类选拔真人秀节目,甚至得到出演影视剧的宝贵机会。

到了今年 8 月的《喜剧之王单口季》,他更是紧扣 “Passion” 主题,创作出诸多妙趣横生、广受欢迎的作品,凭借极具感染力的 “Passion” 风格,一举斩获年度总冠军。

付航还有些出圈的话语,如: “十多年了,所有人说我是废物,但是只有你说我是天才,你教会了我人生之中最重要的一件事,就是不管你的出身、学历、家庭背景,只要你敢勇敢地做自己,就总有人会爱你!”

最近,付航荣获微博视界大会 “年度大众喜爱喜剧演员” 殊荣,也顺势让 “Passion” 这原本专属他的标志性词汇,华丽转身,成为引爆 2024 大众情绪的爆款热词。